About Me

Hello, this is Varun! 👋

I am a computer science student at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, driven by a deep passion for technology and a desire to excel. 💻🚀 With valuable experience in developing an employee time tracking web app using the MERN stack for Duck Creek Technologies, I have honed my software development skills and cultivated a collaborative mindset within agile teams.

This summer I interned at Adani, where I focused on writing Python automation scripts to identify idle resources in their Google Cloud infrastructure. Moreover, I created a centralized full-stack dashboard using Django Rest and React to visualize the data for the cloud fin-ops team. ⚙️🔍📊

Additionally, I am actively working on my passion project called UMassConnect (a social media website) 🌐, and updating the XV6 operating system kernel code using the Rust programming language 🦀. Let's connect and collaborate on exciting ventures! 🤝🌟


  1. Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences @ UMass

    2021 — 2024

    Computer Science, Mathematics, Business

  2. Anand Niketan Satellite

    2004 - 2021

    Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, English, Hindi, Computer Science

Tech Stack

  • React logo
  • Mongo DB logo
  • Python logo
  • Javascript logo
  • Java logo
  • Django logo
  • Docker logo
  • RUST logo
  • C++ logo
  • MySQL logo
  • AWS logo
  • GCP logo
  • Azure logo




Employee Time Tracking Web App

Simon Game

Binary Buddy Allocator


